[New Podcast Episode] On Being With: A Conversation with the Rev. Dr. Sam Wells

In our latest episode, Scot and Claire are joined by the Rev. Dr. Sam Wells, Vicar of St. Martin-in-the-Fields in London, former Dean of Duke University Chapel, and the author of forty-six books on Christian ethics, mission, and more. This deep and wide-ranging conversation invites us to rethink almost everything we know about being church. What if God doesn’t want, need or expect us to have answers to the world’s most pressing problems but rather longs for us to be with ourselves, one another, and creation after the example of Jesus? What if the most urgent challenges of our times aren’t crises of limitation but crises of isolation? What if church were a place of mutual enjoyment for all who gather? What if we moved from a narrative of scarcity to an experience of God’s abundance? Get ready to look again at the most familiar aspects of your congregation, and your life, and see them anew. Don’t miss this inspiring conversation with one today’s most visionary leaders on Christian mission.
Listen and subscribe wherever you find podcasts, or listen on our website. Each month, we will release a new episode with the goal of supporting congregations as they emerge from the pandemic, inspiring leaders in discernment and experimentation, and encouraging creative collaboration.